
While scrolling around on Google maps, last night, I spotted a museum that I had not noticed before.

In Houston (my god, was it really 3 years ago?), I visited the natural history museum. Among other exhibits, they had a collection of Fabergé art pieces, notably the eggs.

Up until then, I had presumed that Fabergé was French, but in fact Gustav Fabergé was Baltic German, but founded his jewelry company in Saint Petersburg. (The name sounds French and Fabergé’s sons founded the “Fabergé, Paris” line to distinguish themselves from their father.)

Under Tsar Alexander III, Fabergé was to make an “Easter egg” for the Empress, which led to making it an annual gift. Others then liked the idea and Fabergé made many eggs. Each is so detailed and delicate, it must have taken his workers months to make each one.

Looking at some of the paintings, I cannot see any brushstrokes, they are immaculate.

The Fabergé Museum is housed in a palace and contains over 4000 pieces. All the Imperial Easter eggs are connected to the rule of the last two Tsars. They have 9 Imperial eggs, only the Kremlin has a larger collection.